Event partner and leading direct supplier of vitamins and supplements Healthspan are doing their bit at the ABP Newport Wales Marathon & 10K on Sunday 24 October by giving back to key workers.
The initiative continues on from the Brecon Carreg Cardiff Bay Run, where Healthspan gave their allocated spaces to key Royal Mail workers for their hard work delivering the goods over the last 18 months.
This time in Newport, they’re using their event running spaces in the ABP Newport Wales Marathon & 10K to offer key waste operators who worked continuously throughout the pandemic free spaces.
Waste operators played a crucial role in keeping communities moving throughout 2020 ensuring weekly waste collections. To reward them, Healthspan are giving out free spaces to get staff moving in a different way.
Employees from Cardiff Council waste team have taken advantage of the Healthspan offer, with a number of employees taking part in Sunday’s event.
Michael Wainwright from Cardiff Council waste team said.
“ You can imagine just how full on the last 12- 18 months have been. The guys were on the front line ensuring that despite the pandemic, peoples waste was still being collected. There was also a lot of work going on behind the scenes, from planning and implementing new collection routes, to continuously restructuring staff rotas and implementing new health and safety procedures.
It’s been a busy one, so we really appreciate the opportunity to do something fun as a team and take part in the Newport 10k. There is definitely some healthy internal competition too. “
Over the past 18 months, we have seen more than ever how important it is to encourage and promote a healthy and active workforce. The free spaces are not only a massive thank you to all the key workers who have helped the nation navigate the difficulties of the past year and a half, but a call to all to get fit and healthy in the workplace.